Side Hustle Ideas to Make Money on the Side!

Devina Savani
3 min readMay 10, 2022


Knowing how you can make money on the side is always an innovative idea. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t try a side gig. However, you need to figure out what kind of side jobs you could do without investing too much time or money when initially starting out. Then consider what you’d enjoy doing, as the best kind of side hustle is the one that doesn’t feel like work.

My article will give you some ideas of the best side hustles you can do alongside your full-time job and eventually maybe full time!

1) Start a Dropshipping Business

Dropshipping is a cost-effective business model that lets you profit from the reselling of other people’s products without dealing with inventory management and shipping yourself.

Go online to research what currently is in demand to find products that will sell. You should also pay close attention to ahy current trends as well. A dropshipping mentor can support you with this.

Decide on a niche and find the products you wish to sell. Evaluate them based on manufacturing resources, delivery time, price and service quality as you choose a supplier.

You will then begin selling the products using marketplaces such as Ebay and Amazon.

2) Participate In Paid Surveys

Swagbucks rewards its members with free gift cards and cash for the everyday things they already do online. Online surveys are one of the easiest side hustles that you can do in your spare time.

Payments can range from less than $2 to more than $40 with some surveys paid to you with gift cards instead of actual money. It may not make you a millionaire but it will give you some extra cash.

I recommend Swagbucks as mentioned earlier. You can shop in-store or online, watch entertaining videos, play games, search the web, answer surveys, and find deals to earn points.

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3) Affiliate Marketing (my personal favourite)

In short affiliate marketing is an advertising model where a company pays compensation to third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services. Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular side hustle ideas around.

Payment is performance-based depending on how many clicks, leads or sales an affiliate generates. Ideal for content creators, influencers and people with a large social following.

4) Online Writer

Currently there are a lot of jobs for beginner online writers, so if you are looking for a side hustle you can do online and start right away, this is for you.

These online writing jobs are available for all different levels of experience (or no experience) and accept applications from United Kingdom. Pay starts at $25 — $ 35 per hour depending on experience and type of writing job.

As an online writer you will be paid for doing assorted simple online writing tasks. These could be writing articles, forum posts, replying to comments, or typing messages on live chat. No matter where you are from and what level of experience you have writing jobs are available that you can start getting paid to do right now.

Online Writer
  • *Affiliate Link Disclaimer** This page contains affiliate links. If you choose to purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

For people who would like to be their own boss, a side hustle can pave the way for better career opportunities when done correctly and a decent side income. Establishing financial independence isn’t always easy as with any venture there are challenges you will face along the way. Persistence & perseverance is key! Happy Side Hustling!

